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Messages - keystrike

General / Re: Initial allocation and fundraising
November 08, 2014, 10:27:11 AM
Who is Dyffy?

How did you come to your $100-$1000 daily mining cost estimate?
Normally, when you learn something, you can't easily share what you learned. You can only share what you say you learned. There's a big difference.

Subtle point there. Prediction markets will let people put their money where their mouth is and bring an end to all of the signaling which normally goes on during human communication.

I've done some reading on common knowledge over the last year when thinking about problems like this. Anything you would recommend? I had not come across the term pluralistic ignorance however.
Just read Poelstra's paper.

Why can't truthcoin work with merged mining? I think proof of work is the only way which works.
General / Re: new article
November 07, 2014, 11:27:09 AM
Excellent! I will check this out. I assume it runs on Windows - it just needs python, right? How large is the blockchain currently?
In sociology there is the concept of the spiral of silence which is the "process by which one opinion becomes dominant as those who perceive their opinion to be in the minority do not speak up because society threatens individuals with fear of isolation. The assessment of one's social environment may not always correlate with reality." (Ref: Wikipedia)

I believe prediction markets could reward those who speak out. They could counteract the effects of the media which speaks a single message. They can reward people who fear isolation.

e.g. Will a CEO of a Fortune 500 company announce he is gay by Dec. 31, 2013?
Will an NSA whistleblower come forward by Dec 31, 2012?

Social revolutions could be sped up this way.

General / Re: Initial allocation and fundraising
November 07, 2014, 10:50:12 AM
How much are you looking to fundraise?