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Messages - brishtiteveja

It was a great description about what truthcoin is. Paul, you have nicely elaborated/extended some part of the conversation to clarify which was very nice. "Truthcoin prediction market for election 2016"- that's a legitimate goal. :)
Off Topic / Re: Thinking about Bitcoin 2.0
July 14, 2015, 07:08:27 PM
I think Ethereum will be appealing for creating smart contract easily, quickly, with less effort if Ethereum network itself can keep its promise. But if Ethereum itself can't provide security, then all on top of it are bound to fail. Gavin also pointed out that Ethereum may "forever play whack-a-mole with security" with the added complexity. And they really invented the same wheel again.
But I am taking Ethereum seriously really because of the ease of use they may give to developers unless counterparty/others put same amount of effort for documentation, programming platform etc. If you look at the Ethereum forum, people are thinking about different Dapps/Applications/contracts on top of ethereum. So I am not sure about "few use cases". Probably all those Daaps won't be that useful - up to the high bar you are putting. But how many apps on the google store, itunes store are useful, do you think? Majority are crap.. But developers build for fun and people use crappy apps indeed generating revineues.
  I think Ethereum team are honestly trying to resolve all the issues and truly may come out as they desired to.  However, they may fail. But don't you think failed projects are also important for future invention? I know now you will say that those failed efforts/money could have been truly used in bolstering bitcoin rather when we already know the weakness. And that's what makes you loud, I guess!! But it's people's choice. Hope for the best.
Off Topic / Thinking about Bitcoin 2.0
July 14, 2015, 02:05:50 AM
Liked this post:

Also Gavin outlines Bitcoin 2.0 without ethereum:
    --- > Even though, just like python may be easier to program than C++ with the trade off with speed etc., ethereum's    solidity/serpent may be easier for many developers to build a bitcoin 2.0 application. I was wondering, whether we can build a solidity/serpent type programming language that just gets converted to Bitcoin's Script. (Similaryly C---> Assembly, Java ---> Byte code)  => (NewSerpentLikeContractLanguage ---> Bitcoin Script)
    I was trying to read the "Turing completeness" of Script... and stumbled upon this comment in the post
        Nate Eldredge comments : "Which essentially reduces to what we have now. If the script you want has a loop that is guaranteed to finish within a certain number of instructions, you can unroll the loop into a straight-line script with a fixed number of instructions. Actually, as it stands, the number of instructions you execute, the number of bytes in the script, and the fee you pay, are all approximately proportional."  ---> this makes perfect sense.
   It seems to me all the features that solidity/serpent is providing for ethereum can be provided via another layer of programming right in bitcoin.

Basics / Re: Ethereum Hypocrisy
July 14, 2015, 01:16:28 AM
Just found a PM (probably by Augur Project posted by Joey) on the odds of Ethereum frontier release..

Can't say about the authenticity..  ;)
Basics / Re: Ethereum Release Date
July 14, 2015, 01:01:53 AM
Everyone is waiting for Ethereum to come out for all the promises they have given. But there's still 172 open issues ( on cpp-ethereum and 109 open issues ( As I also run a go eth node, I know, how slow the ethereum testnet synchronizes with occassional crash/no response. I will really be amazed if they can solve all the issues and start the real blockchain by september.  So many projects are putting their bet on Ethereum. Hope they don't disappoint.
Basics / Re: A YouTube Introduction
July 14, 2015, 12:59:48 AM
This is indeed a great collection. I saw Neil deGrasse Tyson one before and he always amuses me.