I've recently been interested in creating a decentralized reputation system, to make it easier for people to transact pseudonymously over the Internet.
One path I was considering is: could some system be created where I bet on whether your future transaction partners will be satisfied? Obviously if there was a working decentralized prediction market, I could create some event relating to whether my transaction with you would be successful and then encourage you to get people who trust you to bet yes, but this is a pretty heavy weight solution. So I'm imagining something inspired by prediction markets but where the predictions are more implicit/easier to make. Has anyone thought much about this? Links to any previous writing on the topic would be appreciated.
One path I was considering is: could some system be created where I bet on whether your future transaction partners will be satisfied? Obviously if there was a working decentralized prediction market, I could create some event relating to whether my transaction with you would be successful and then encourage you to get people who trust you to bet yes, but this is a pretty heavy weight solution. So I'm imagining something inspired by prediction markets but where the predictions are more implicit/easier to make. Has anyone thought much about this? Links to any previous writing on the topic would be appreciated.